{"pageProps":{"_nextI18Next":{"initialI18nStore":{"en":{"faq":{"title":"Frequently Asked Questions","questions":[{"q":"What is Binance Smart Chain or BSC?","a":"The BSC is a network promoted by the Binance company but not controlled by it and therefore decentralized; It replaces mining - much more decentralized - by a group of 21 validators and with a smart contracts operation similar to Ethereum. The main advantage that BSC presents compared to Ethereum is the cost of operating with it, being very efficient and manageable for tokens such as POEM."},{"q":"Can I use Metamask in the BSC?","a":"Yes, you don't have to change your address or wallet: you just have to change the network you connect to. If you have not yet installed the BSC in your Metamask, follow these simple instructions: "},{"q":"How is the price of the tokens fixed?","a":"The price of POEM tokens is set algorithmically through a liquidity pool, where the price is set by the available tokens supply; In this way, the first tokens will always be cheaper than the next ones, since the only thing that can be done is to go up to keep the \"invariant\". In addition, the option to redeem (burn) the tokens to receive the physical book will cause a decrease in the offer and therefore a higher price in the long term. Like any single digital asset, the price may rise as much as users are willing to pay for it."},{"q":"How can I buy POEM tokens?","a":"POEM tokens are bought on Pancakeswap with whatever token you have and some BNB to pay for gas fees; even less than € 1 in BNB is enough. When you have all this click on the \"BUY POEM\" button and you can buy the number of tokens you want, always in whole numbers."},{"q":"How do I get crypto and BNB to buy POEM tokens?","a":"USDT is the most liquid stablecoin in the world, available on any exchange. But you can use any other crypto available on the BSC. BNB is also available in many ways, although the simplest is by going to Binance. Here you can buy both cryptocurrencies and send them via BSC (BEP20) to your Metamask."},{"q":"How can I sell POEM tokens?","a":"The process will be as simple as buying them: you can sell your tokens to the pool whenever you want, receiving the crypto of your choice. The price that the pool will pay you for them will depend on the supply and demand at that moment. They are a completely liquid token, without restrictions."},{"q":"How can I redeem POEM tokens?","a":"The process to redeem (burn) tokens is used to receive the authentic book, in physical form. The 250 tokenized books are unique, they are signed by the author and have a unique code cryptographically related to the token. If you want to have the book contact us from the website or Fundación Alambique: you will only have to send your POEM token to an address (to burn it) and give us your postal address to physically send the book to you."},{"q":"What is a NFT?","a":"An NFT is a Non-Fungible Token, that is, a unique token. Each tokenized book has its corresponding token, and no two are alike. The books are signed by the author and retain a unique cryptographic proof that relates the book in question to the token."},{"q":"What protocol did you use to create the NFT?","a":"We have followed the standard on the Binance BSC marked as BEP721, the main standard to build Non Fungible Tokens in the BSC. Each token is unique and is linked cryptographically with a unique book, so as there is not two similar tokens, there is not two similar books."},{"q":"It sounds good... could I tokenize my own assets?","a":"It is possible that yes. Contact RedPill Ventures, surely the team most experienced in asset tokenization in Spain since 2016. The brand is recent but the team has carried out more than 30 tokenizations around the Tutellus ecosystem: utilities, securities, NFTs and much more."}]},"team":{"title":"Team","subtitle":"Less is more: 80 years of experience between these 4 young guys","persons":[{"photo":"https://d2aq4auj5r0lzx.cloudfront.net/images/jorge_.png","name":"Jorge Dot","profile":"Writer, Engineer","networks":[{"type":"web","url":"https://www.fundacionalambique.org/index.php"},{"type":"linkedin","url":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/jorge-dot-salda%C3%B1a-51b5059/"}]},{"photo":"https://d2aq4auj5r0lzx.cloudfront.net/images/miguel.png","name":"Miguel Caballero","profile":"Tokenizer","networks":[{"type":"web","url":"https://miguelcaballero.eu"},{"type":"twitter","url":"https://www.twitter.com/mcaballero"},{"type":"linkedin","url":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/micaballero/"}]},{"photo":"https://d2aq4auj5r0lzx.cloudfront.net/images/sokar.png","name":"Javier Ortiz","profile":"Developer","networks":[{"type":"github","url":"https://github.com/sokardys"},{"type":"twitter","url":"https://www.twitter.com/sokardys"},{"type":"linkedin","url":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/sokardys/"}]},{"photo":"https://d2aq4auj5r0lzx.cloudfront.net/images/carlos_dot.png","name":"Carlos Dot","profile":"Marketing","networks":[{"type":"linkedin","url":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/carlos-dot-fraga-6b0b73160"}]}]},"partners":{"title":"Partners","images":[{"name":"Fundación Alambique","url":"https://www.fundacionalambique.org/","photo":"https://d2aq4auj5r0lzx.cloudfront.net/images/partner_alambique.png"},{"name":"Red Pill Ventures","photo":"https://d2aq4auj5r0lzx.cloudfront.net/images/partner_redpill.png"},{"name":"Binance Smart Chain","photo":"https://d2aq4auj5r0lzx.cloudfront.net/images/partner_bsc.png"},{"name":"Olifante","url":"https://www.olifante.com/","photo":"https://d2aq4auj5r0lzx.cloudfront.net/images/partner_olifante.png"}]},"poem":{"title":"POEM: an exclusive NFT with a smart tokenomics","description":"There are only 250 tokens availables in Pancakeswap, so attending to the AMM price fixing algorithmic mechanism the price of each new sold token is always higher than the one of before and lower than the next one.

Addionally, each user decides what to do with his tokens: hold, selling them to the pool or redeem them, decreasing the supply and getting the physical and unique book.

Do you want to be the owner of a unique asset in the world?","ctas":[{"title":"Download Lightpaper","target":"_blank","url":"https://d2aq4auj5r0lzx.cloudfront.net/pdf/Lightpaper_POEM_V5.0-EN.pdf"}],"photo":"https://d2aq4auj5r0lzx.cloudfront.net/images/graph_en.png"},"header":{"logo":{"name":"POEM","url":"/","image":"https://d2aq4auj5r0lzx.cloudfront.net/images/logo-dark.svg"},"center":[{"url":"#book","title":"Book"},{"url":"#author","title":"Author"},{"url":"#tokens","title":"Tokens"},{"url":"#team","title":"Team"},{"url":"#faqs","title":"FAQs"}],"right":[{"url":"#language"}]},"hero":{"title":"“Los trabajos de la muerte”","subtitle":"Edited by Olifante Ediciones de Poesía","description":"Get the first book tokenized with NFTs worldwide.
Only 250 tokens available in the Binance Smart Chain","ctas":[{"title":"BUY","href":"/dashboard","primary":true}],"photo":"https://d2aq4auj5r0lzx.cloudfront.net/images/los_trabajos_de_la_muerte.jpg"},"author":{"title":"About Jorge Dot","description":"Jorge Dot was born in Tudela, Navarra (Spain) in 1963. Married with Miriam and father of four (Jorge, Carlos, Alejandra and Javier) Jorge is Industrial Engineer and develops his professional activity in sectors such as Renewable Energy, Sustainability, Fashion and IT. Jorge is an eclectic entrepreneurship, poet and observer, with Blockchain training in Tutellus.

He has published poems in magazines like 'Cuadernos del Matemático', 'La Primera Piedra', 'Turia' y 'El Alambique'. Jorge has written several poetry unpublished books: 'La Frontera Sensible', 'La Belleza de Dios', 'Actas de un Perro' and the actual 'Los Trabajos de la Muerte', which is published and tokenized now. Jorge is chairman and founder of 'Fundación Alambique para la Poesía', a non-profit cultural foundation under the patronage of the Ministry of Culture of the Kingdom of Spain.

With the publication and tokenization of “Los trabajos de la Muerte” Jorge pretends to open a new way to promote and approach poetry to people through mathematics and cryptography.

Jorge points out the truth that both worlds (poetry and cryptography) represent, and puts together these both worlds.

In his opinion, both are a practical and useful reflexions for life and death, and both treasure a unique beauty.","photo":"https://d2aq4auj5r0lzx.cloudfront.net/images/jorge_dot.png"},"steps":{"title":"How to buy tokens?","steps":[{"photo":"https://d2aq4auj5r0lzx.cloudfront.net/images/binance.png","title":"Connect to he BSC","description":"POEM tokens are available in the Binance Smart Chain. Connect your Metamask here"},{"photo":"https://d2aq4auj5r0lzx.cloudfront.net/images/usdt.png","title":"Get crypto in BSC","description":"You just need some USDT, BNB, BTC or any other token available in the pool"},{"photo":"https://d2aq4auj5r0lzx.cloudfront.net/images/pancakeswap.png","title":"Buy in Pancakeswap","description":"POEM tokens are in a pool of the leading AMM project on BSC. Access them here"}]},"contact":{"title":"Contact with Redpill","description":"

If you have a good asset or a good business and are interested in tokenize it, we are not the A team but may help you.

Or just learn in Tutellus, where we have a Tokenization Bootcamp where this project was born","title2":"Contact with the Foundation","description2":"Do you have any doubt about the POEM token or the physical book? just ping us to info@poesia.io and will contact you.","address":{"address":"

Calle Francisco Aritio 162, Edificio 1, Oficina 109

19004, Guadalajara, España

"},"form":{"full_name":{"label":"Name","placeholder":"Jack Sparrow","required":"Introduce your name"},"email":{"label":"Email","placeholder":"jack.sparrow@gmail.com","required":"Introduce your email"},"message":{"label":"Message","placeholder":"I'm interested in tokenizing...","required":"Introduce your message"},"button":{"label":"Send"},"successMsg":"Thanks!","errorMsg":"Ups! Houston, try it again!"}},"seo":{"home":{"title":"POEM, the NFT of the first tokenized poetry book worldwide","description":"POEM is the token of \"Los trabajos de la muerte\" Jorge Dot's book. There're only 250 tokens available in the Binance Smart Chain, built with a surprising tokenomics. Discover the tokenomic model behind them and get one of them in Pancakeswap!","keywords":"nft, nft book, tokekize books, book tokenizing, jorge dot, book token, poetry nft, book token nft, what is nft","image":"https://d2aq4auj5r0lzx.cloudfront.net/images/poem_rrss.png","tw":"@poesia_io"}},"footer":{"facebook":"https://www.facebook.com/poesia.io","instagram":"https://www.instagram.com/poesia.io/","twitter":"https://www.twitter.com/poesia_io/"}},"es":{"faq":{"title":"Preguntas frecuentes","questions":[{"q":"¿Qué es la Binance Smart Chain o BSC?","a":"La BSC es una red promovida por la empresa Binance pero no controlada por ella y por lo tanto descentralizada en 21 nodos; sustituye, eso sí, la minería -mucho más descentralizada- por un grupo de 21 validadores y con un funcionamiento a nivel smart contracts similar a Ethereum. La principal ventaja que presenta BSC frente a Ethereum es el coste de operar con ella, siendo muy eficiente y manejable para tokens como el POEM."},{"q":"¿Puedo trabajar en la BSC con Metamask?","a":"Sí, no tienes que cambiar de dirección o wallet: tan solo tienes que cambiar la red a la que te conectas. Si todavía no te has instalado la BSC en tu Metamask, sigue estas sencillas instrucciones: "},{"q":"¿Cómo se fija el precio de los tokens?","a":"El precio de los tokens POEM se fija de manera algorítmica a través del concepto de \"pool de liquidez\", donde el precio lo marca la oferta de tokens disponible; de esta forma los primeros tokens siempre serán más baratos que los siguientes, ya que el precio lo único que puede hacer es subir para mantener el \"invariant\". Además, la opción de redimir (quemar) los tokens para recibir el libro físico provocará una disminución de la ofera y por lo tanto un mayor precio a largo plazo. Como cualquier activo digital único el precio podrá subir tanto como los usuarios estén dispuestos a pagar por él."},{"q":"¿Cómo puedo comprar los tokens POEM?","a":"Los tokens POEM se compran en Pancakeswap con cualquier token que dispongas y algo de BNB para pagar las tarifas de gas: con que dispongas incluso menos de 1€ en BNB es suficiente. Cuando tengas todo ello clicka en el botón de “COMPRAR POEM” y podrás comprar el número de tokens que quieras, siempre en números enteros."},{"q":"¿Cómo consigo cripto y BNB para poder comprar los tokens POEM?","a":"USDT es la stablecoin más líquida del mundo, disponible en cualquier Exchange. Pero puedes usar cualquier otra cripto disponible en la BSC. BNB también está disponible de muchas formas, aunque la más sencilla es yendo a Binance. Aquí puedes comprar ambas criptomonedas y enviarlas por la BSC (BEP20) a tu Metamask."},{"q":"¿Cómo puedo vender los tokens POEM?","a":"El proceso será tan sencillo como el de comprarlos: puedes vender tus tokens al pool cuando quieras, recibiendo la cripto que elijas. El precio que te pagará el pool por ellos dependerá de la oferta y demanda en ese momento. Se tratan de un token completamente líquido, sin restricciones."},{"q":"¿Cómo puedo redimir los tokens POEM?","a":"El proceso para redimir (quemar) los tokens se utiliza para recibir el libro auténtico, en formato físico. Los 250 libros tokenizados son únicos, vienen firmados por el autor y tienen un código único relacionado criptográficamente con el token. Si quieres disponer del libro contáctanos desde la web o fundación Alambique: tan solo tendrás que enviar tu token POEM a una dirección (para quemarlo) y darnos tu dirección postal para enviarte físicamente el libro."},{"q":"¿Qué es un token NFT?","a":"Un NFT es un Token No Fungible, es decir, un token único. Cada libro tokenizado tiene su token correspondiente, y no hay dos libros iguales. Los libros están firmados por el autor y conservan una prueba criptográfica única que relaciona el libro en cuestión con el token."},{"q":"¿Qué protocolo habéis utilizado para crear el NFT?","a":"Hemos seguido el estándar en la blockchain de Binance BSC marcado como BEP721, el estándar por excelencia para la creación de Tokens No Fungibles: cada token es único y tiene una relación directa y criptográfica con el libro que representa. No hay 2 tokens iguales, por lo que no hay 2 libros iguales."},{"q":"Qué interesante... ¿podría tokenizar mis propios activos?","a":"Es posible que sí. Contacta con RedPill Ventures en hi@jointheredpill.com, seguramente el equipo con más experiencia en tokenización de activos de España desde 2016, habiendo realizado más de 30 tokenizaciones alrededor del ecosistema Tutellus: utilities, securities, NFTs y mucho más."}]},"team":{"title":"Equipo","subtitle":"Menos es más: 80 años de experiencia conjunta en estos 4 jóvenes","persons":[{"photo":"https://d2aq4auj5r0lzx.cloudfront.net/images/jorge_.png","name":"Jorge Dot","profile":"Escritor, Ingeniero","networks":[{"type":"web","url":"https://www.fundacionalambique.org/index.php"},{"type":"linkedin","url":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/jorge-dot-salda%C3%B1a-51b5059/"}]},{"photo":"https://d2aq4auj5r0lzx.cloudfront.net/images/miguel.png","name":"Miguel Caballero","profile":"Tokenizador","networks":[{"type":"web","url":"https://miguelcaballero.eu"},{"type":"twitter","url":"https://www.twitter.com/mcaballero"},{"type":"linkedin","url":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/micaballero/"}]},{"photo":"https://d2aq4auj5r0lzx.cloudfront.net/images/sokar.png","name":"Javier Ortiz","profile":"Developer","networks":[{"type":"github","url":"https://github.com/sokardys"},{"type":"twitter","url":"https://www.twitter.com/sokardys"},{"type":"linkedin","url":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/sokardys/"}]},{"photo":"https://d2aq4auj5r0lzx.cloudfront.net/images/carlos_dot.png","name":"Carlos Dot","profile":"Marketing","networks":[{"type":"linkedin","url":"https://www.linkedin.com/in/carlos-dot-fraga-6b0b73160"}]}]},"partners":{"title":"Partners","images":[{"name":"Fundación Alambique","url":"https://www.fundacionalambique.org/","photo":"https://d2aq4auj5r0lzx.cloudfront.net/images/partner_alambique.png"},{"name":"Red Pill Ventures","photo":"https://d2aq4auj5r0lzx.cloudfront.net/images/partner_redpill.png"},{"name":"Binance Smart Chain","photo":"https://d2aq4auj5r0lzx.cloudfront.net/images/partner_bsc.png"},{"name":"Olifante","url":"https://www.olifante.com/","photo":"https://d2aq4auj5r0lzx.cloudfront.net/images/partner_olifante.png"}]},"poem":{"title":"POEM: un NFT único con unos tokenomics de escándalo","description":"Solo existen 250 tokens comprables únicamente en poesia.io mediante la tecnología de Pancakeswap, de forma que atendiendo al sistema de fijación de precios algorítmico de un AMM el precio de cada nuevo token vendido siempre será más caro que el anterior y más barato que el siguiente.

Además, cada usuario decide qué hacer con sus tokens: holdearlos, venderlos al pool o redimirlos, disminuyendo así la oferta y recibiendo en su lugar el libro en formato físico.

¿Quieres ser el propietario de un activo único en el mundo?","ctas":[{"title":"Descargar Lightpaper","target":"_blank","url":"https://d2aq4auj5r0lzx.cloudfront.net/pdf/Lightpaper_POEM_V5.0-ES.pdf"}],"photo":"https://d2aq4auj5r0lzx.cloudfront.net/images/graph_es.png"},"header":{"logo":{"name":"POEM","url":"/","image":"https://d2aq4auj5r0lzx.cloudfront.net/images/logo-dark.svg"},"center":[{"url":"#book","title":"Libro"},{"url":"#author","title":"Autor"},{"url":"#tokens","title":"Tokens"},{"url":"#team","title":"Equipo"},{"url":"#faqs","title":"FAQs"}],"right":[{"url":"#language"}]},"hero":{"title":"“Los trabajos de la muerte”","subtitle":"Editado por Olifante Ediciones de Poesía","description":"Consigue el primer libro tokenizado con NFTs del mundo.
Solo 250 tokens disponibles en la Binance Smart Chain","ctas":[{"title":"COMPRAR","href":"/dashboard","primary":true}],"photo":"https://d2aq4auj5r0lzx.cloudfront.net/images/los_trabajos_de_la_muerte.jpg"},"author":{"title":"Sobre Jorge Dot","description":"Jorge Dot nació en Tudela, Navarra (España) en 1963. Casado con Miriam y padre de cuatro hijos (Jorge, Carlos, Alejandra y Javier), es Ingeniero Industrial y desarrolla su actividad profesional en los sectores de las Energías Renovables, Sostenibilidad, Moda y Tecnologías de la Información. Jorge es un emprendedor ecléctico, poeta y observador, con formación de Blockchain en Tutellus.

Ha publicado poemas en revistas de poesía como 'Cuadernos del Matemático', 'La Primera Piedra', 'Turia' y 'El Alambique' y 'Oropeles y Guiñapos'. Jorge ha escrito varios libros de poesía inéditos: 'La Frontera Sensible', 'La Belleza de Dios', 'Actas de un Perro' además de 'Los Trabajos de la Muerte', que se publica y tokeniza ahora. Jorge es presidente y fundador de la 'Fundación Alambique para la Poesía'.

Con la publicación y tokenización de 'Los trabajos de la Muerte' Jorge pretende mostrar un nuevo camino posible para la promoción de la poesía, por medio de las matemáticas y de la criptografía, señalando así la verdad que ambas representan y uniendo dos mundos que son, en su opinión, espejos prácticos y útiles para la vida y para la muerte, atesorando además los dos una profunda belleza.","photo":"https://d2aq4auj5r0lzx.cloudfront.net/images/jorge_dot.png"},"steps":{"title":"¿Cómo comprar tokens?","steps":[{"photo":"https://d2aq4auj5r0lzx.cloudfront.net/images/binance.png","title":"Conéctate a la BSC","description":"Los tokens POEM están en la Binance Smart Chain. Conecta tu Metamask desde aquí"},{"photo":"https://d2aq4auj5r0lzx.cloudfront.net/images/usdt.png","title":"Consigue cripto en BSC","description":"Lo único que necesitas es USDT, BNB, BTC o cualquier token disponible en la BSC"},{"photo":"https://d2aq4auj5r0lzx.cloudfront.net/images/pancakeswap.png","title":"Compra en poesia.io","description":"Los tokens POEM están soportados por la tecnología de Pancakeswap, el proyecto líder de la BSC. Accede a ellos desde aquí"}]},"contact":{"title":"Contacta con Redpill","description":"

Si tienes un buen activo o un buen negocio y estás interesado en tokenizarlo, no somos el equipo A pero quizás podamos ayudarte.

O empieza por formarte en Tutellus: aplica al Bootcamp de tokenización y NFTs, donde surgió este proyecto.","title2":"Contacta con la Fundación","description2":"Para cualquier duda en relación al token POEM o acerca del libro físico escríbenos a info@poesia.io y contactaremos contigo.","address":{"address":"

Calle Francisco Aritio 162, Edificio 1, Oficina 109

19004, Guadalajara, España

"},"form":{"full_name":{"label":"Name","placeholder":"Jack Sparrow","required":"Introduce tu nombre"},"email":{"label":"Email","placeholder":"Ej. jack.sparrow@gmail.com","required":"Introduce tu email"},"message":{"label":"Mesaje","placeholder":"Ej. Me interesaría tokenizar...","required":"Introduce tu mensaje"},"button":{"label":"Enviar"},"successMsg":"Gracias.","errorMsg":"Ups! Houston, ¡inténtalo de nuevo!"}},"seo":{"home":{"title":"POEM, el NFT del primer libro de poesía tokenizado del mundo","description":"POEM es el token del libro \"Los trabajos de la muerte\" de Jorge Dot. Solo existen 250 tokens disponibles en la Binance Smart Chain, con unos tokenomics que te sorprenderán. Descubre el modelo tokenómico y hazte con uno de ellos en Pancakeswap","keywords":"nft, nft libro, tokekizar libros, libro tokenizado, jorge dot, libro token, token de libro, poesia nft, poesia tokenizada, binance libro, binance nft libro, como tokenizar libros, tokenizacion de libros, libro token nft, que es un nft, que es nft","image":"https://d2aq4auj5r0lzx.cloudfront.net/images/poem_rrss.png","tw":"@poesia_io"}},"footer":{"facebook":"https://www.facebook.com/poesia.io","instagram":"https://www.instagram.com/poesia.io/","twitter":"https://www.twitter.com/poesia_io/"}}},"initialLocale":"es","userConfig":{"i18n":{"defaultLocale":"es","locales":["en","es"]},"default":{"i18n":{"defaultLocale":"es","locales":["en","es"]}}}}},"__N_SSG":true}