{"pageProps":{"_nextI18Next":{"initialI18nStore":{"en":{"faq":{"title":"Frequently Asked Questions","questions":[{"q":"What is Binance Smart Chain or BSC?","a":"The BSC is a network promoted by the Binance company but not controlled by it and therefore decentralized; It replaces mining - much more decentralized - by a group of 21 validators and with a smart contracts operation similar to Ethereum. The main advantage that BSC presents compared to Ethereum is the cost of operating with it, being very efficient and manageable for tokens such as POEM."},{"q":"Can I use Metamask in the BSC?","a":"Yes, you don't have to change your address or wallet: you just have to change the network you connect to. If you have not yet installed the BSC in your Metamask, follow these simple instructions:
If you have a good asset or a good business and are interested in tokenize it, we are not the A team but may help you.
Or just learn in Tutellus, where we have a Tokenization Bootcamp where this project was born","title2":"Contact with the Foundation","description2":"Do you have any doubt about the POEM token or the physical book? just ping us to info@poesia.io and will contact you.","address":{"address":"Calle Francisco Aritio 162, Edificio 1, Oficina 109
19004, Guadalajara, España
"},"form":{"full_name":{"label":"Name","placeholder":"Jack Sparrow","required":"Introduce your name"},"email":{"label":"Email","placeholder":"jack.sparrow@gmail.com","required":"Introduce your email"},"message":{"label":"Message","placeholder":"I'm interested in tokenizing...","required":"Introduce your message"},"button":{"label":"Send"},"successMsg":"Thanks!","errorMsg":"Ups! Houston, try it again!"}},"seo":{"home":{"title":"POEM, the NFT of the first tokenized poetry book worldwide","description":"POEM is the token of \"Los trabajos de la muerte\" Jorge Dot's book. There're only 250 tokens available in the Binance Smart Chain, built with a surprising tokenomics. Discover the tokenomic model behind them and get one of them in Pancakeswap!","keywords":"nft, nft book, tokekize books, book tokenizing, jorge dot, book token, poetry nft, book token nft, what is nft","image":"https://d2aq4auj5r0lzx.cloudfront.net/images/poem_rrss.png","tw":"@poesia_io"}},"footer":{"facebook":"https://www.facebook.com/poesia.io","instagram":"https://www.instagram.com/poesia.io/","twitter":"https://www.twitter.com/poesia_io/"}},"es":{"faq":{"title":"Preguntas frecuentes","questions":[{"q":"¿Qué es la Binance Smart Chain o BSC?","a":"La BSC es una red promovida por la empresa Binance pero no controlada por ella y por lo tanto descentralizada en 21 nodos; sustituye, eso sí, la minería -mucho más descentralizada- por un grupo de 21 validadores y con un funcionamiento a nivel smart contracts similar a Ethereum. La principal ventaja que presenta BSC frente a Ethereum es el coste de operar con ella, siendo muy eficiente y manejable para tokens como el POEM."},{"q":"¿Puedo trabajar en la BSC con Metamask?","a":"Sí, no tienes que cambiar de dirección o wallet: tan solo tienes que cambiar la red a la que te conectas. Si todavía no te has instalado la BSC en tu Metamask, sigue estas sencillas instrucciones:Si tienes un buen activo o un buen negocio y estás interesado en tokenizarlo, no somos el equipo A pero quizás podamos ayudarte.
O empieza por formarte en Tutellus: aplica al Bootcamp de tokenización y NFTs, donde surgió este proyecto.","title2":"Contacta con la Fundación","description2":"Para cualquier duda en relación al token POEM o acerca del libro físico escríbenos a info@poesia.io y contactaremos contigo.","address":{"address":"Calle Francisco Aritio 162, Edificio 1, Oficina 109
19004, Guadalajara, España
"},"form":{"full_name":{"label":"Name","placeholder":"Jack Sparrow","required":"Introduce tu nombre"},"email":{"label":"Email","placeholder":"Ej. jack.sparrow@gmail.com","required":"Introduce tu email"},"message":{"label":"Mesaje","placeholder":"Ej. Me interesaría tokenizar...","required":"Introduce tu mensaje"},"button":{"label":"Enviar"},"successMsg":"Gracias.","errorMsg":"Ups! Houston, ¡inténtalo de nuevo!"}},"seo":{"home":{"title":"POEM, el NFT del primer libro de poesía tokenizado del mundo","description":"POEM es el token del libro \"Los trabajos de la muerte\" de Jorge Dot. Solo existen 250 tokens disponibles en la Binance Smart Chain, con unos tokenomics que te sorprenderán. Descubre el modelo tokenómico y hazte con uno de ellos en Pancakeswap","keywords":"nft, nft libro, tokekizar libros, libro tokenizado, jorge dot, libro token, token de libro, poesia nft, poesia tokenizada, binance libro, binance nft libro, como tokenizar libros, tokenizacion de libros, libro token nft, que es un nft, que es nft","image":"https://d2aq4auj5r0lzx.cloudfront.net/images/poem_rrss.png","tw":"@poesia_io"}},"footer":{"facebook":"https://www.facebook.com/poesia.io","instagram":"https://www.instagram.com/poesia.io/","twitter":"https://www.twitter.com/poesia_io/"}}},"initialLocale":"es","userConfig":{"i18n":{"defaultLocale":"es","locales":["en","es"]},"default":{"i18n":{"defaultLocale":"es","locales":["en","es"]}}}}},"__N_SSG":true}